Understanding the Principles of HPLC Training
This Training is designed for:
- Operators from basic to advanced experiences
- Method Developers
- QC operators
- HPLC principles & Troubleshooting
- Improving separation quality
- Maintain peak resolution with smaller particles
- Basic UHPLC knowledge and Method Transfer
- Contribution of instrumentation.
Training duration:
- *2 days for non Hands on (no instruments available)
- **3 days for Hands on sessions
- From theory to practice
- Create a Parallel Method
- Transfer a HPLC Method to UHPLC and optimize resolution
- Minimum 6, maximum 10 people
- With training certificate.
*requires 1 PC per each 2 people
**requires 1 UHPLC and 1 Parallel System, Training location APTC in Bangkok only
Chromeleon 7.X Level 1 Training
This Training is designed for:
- Beginners and intermediate users of Chromeleon 7.X
- Optimizing of Datavault structures and organzition of Chromatography data
- Sequence tree, Queries, Instrument Methods
- Managing Data processing and results
- Cobra Wizard, Smart Peaks, Optimization of Chromtograms
- Basic Reporting
- Optimize existing reports, change printing parameters.
Training duration:
- *2 days
- Minimum 6, maximum **20 people
- With training certificate.
Chromeleon 7.X Level 2 Training
This Training is designed for:
- Experienced users of Chromeleon 7.X
- Creation and implementation of eWorkflow Sequences
- Diode Array Data Processing
- Report Designer
- Customize reports
- Interactive charting
- Validation of customized reports
Training duration:
- *2 days
- Minimum 6, maximum **20 people
- With training certificate.
- *requires 1 PC per each 2 people
- **Depending on availibity of PC‘s
Chromeleon 7.X Level 3 Training
This Training is designed for:
- Experienced users of Chromeleon 7.X for Enterprise environment
- Chromeleon Administration Console
- Discovery environment
- License Manager
- Data Vault Manager
- Scheduler
- Remote Control of Instruments
- Networked Data Vaults
- Lifecycle monitoring of instruments.
Training duration:
- *1 day
- Minimum 6, maximum **20 people
- With training certificate.
Chromeleon 7.X Level Administrator Training
This Training is designed for:
- Administrative people of Chromeleon 7.X
- Requires top level WINDOWS and networking knowledge
- Setup of Chromeleon in a Domain
- User Management and Control
- Creation and Management of networked Data Vaults
- Troubleshooting.
Training duration:
- *1 day
- Minimum 4, maximum **6 people
- With training certificate.
Qualification, Compliance and Validation Training
This Training is designed for:
- HPLC operators, chemists with 6 month experience
- Purpose of Qualification and Validation
- How can «I» be compliant?
- Resources?
- Regulations
- Chromeleon 6.8 & 7.X Station Qualification
- Using Chromeleon to qualify Chromatography Instruments.
Training duration:
- *1 or 2 days**
- Minimum 6, maximum ***20 people
- Hands on Qualification****
- With training certificate.
- *requires 1 PC per each 2 people
- **1 day for people don‘t use Chromeleon
- ***Depending on availibity of PC‘s
- ****Only if HW is available
Dionex instruments Maintenance Training
This Training is designed for:
- HPLC operators with Dionex HPLC (no IC)
- Professional maintenance of the exisiting system
- Basic troubleshooting for hardware and chromatography problems
- Diagnostics
- Lifecycle monitoring.
Training duration:
- *3 days
- Minimum 4, maximum 4 people
- Hands on instruments
- With training certificate.
- *Only at customer site or APTC in Bangkok